Winter's Wonder
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Wednesday, December 28, 2016
By Penny McGoey
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"The winter solstice has always been special to me as a barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future

beyond imagination, a time of pain and withdrawal that produces something joyfully inconceivable,

like a monarch butterfly masterfully extracting itself from the confines of its cocoon,

bursting forth into unexpected glory."

-Gary Zukav



Winter's Wonder

Welcome to my new blog!


This season of change, moving from Alaska to Colorado, has been a remarkable season.  During the process of crafting a new life and rebuilding my photography business in a new region, I have found that my life is much like the season outside of my window; the trees are bare, the snow stills the chaos, and there is a dormancy about life.  For anyone who knows me, they know I am a 'mover' and a 'shaker'.  It is my tendency to catch a vision and work it into reality.  Being still, barren, and dormant has challenged my spirit in ways I hadn't expected.


I am settled in my new hometown of Manitou Springs, Colorado and have begun the process of building vital business connections to fuel the life of my business here.  In the process, I have taken some deep breaths and decided to make some pretty amazing revisions to my business plan, my vision for my art and even how I live life.  I know this is the season of resolution so it was a perfect time to cast this new vision and expose it to the world.  So please indulge me as I share my dream-board for 2017 and celebrate with me as I unveil my re-birthed plan for Becoming Images, the updated website, new blog format, and overall renewed social media presence.  



1.  Running a full-service, full-time, award-winning photography studio (with employees and a bursting wait list) has been very time and energy consuming.  Since I opened the doors of the studio in 2011, I have managed to gain over 20 pounds because I spend so much time running my business and not living my life.  2017 is a year to refocus my energy on my own beautiful life.  I am eating better, indulging a little less on the 'sprinkles' of life, and learning to reward my body and spirit with time spent on the gorgeous trails around my house and in the Yoga studio down the hill.  It's hard to have the creative spark that defines my work when I am not living a life that has some sparkle of it's own!  

2.  The Goal:  Lose the weight that has made my load harder to carry while gaining back strength and flexibility of muscle and character to enable the vision I have for myself.



1.  My grandparents were a vital lifeline for me, as a gypsy-child that travelled with a single mother that was an earth-shaker.  They were my anchor all of my life.  Advanced dementia has overtaken the worlds of these two beautiful souls and I am choosing to spend every precious moment I can in their presence.  I grew up in the nurture of the Rocky Mountains, so being home allows me to be present for the first time in nearly 30 years.  Their love for me and the firm foundation they provided in my life has shaped the woman, mother and wife I have become.  Embracing them during their winter season is an honor, even through the tears.

2.  Re-connecting with my Colorado family is so precious... to be able to be a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a niece and a grand daughter is a gift.

3.  Actively support my adult children from a long distance- taking time to write them letters, call them, and encourage the beauty of who they are becoming and nurture them as they raise their families and tell their own stories.  As a mother of 5 and grandmother of soon-to-be 9, it is hard to be apart from them; but my nest isn't empty because my love for them is palpable.



1.  Spend time with the Creator in Creation...  breath deep from Spirit as I move among the hills, drink from healing waters, and renew my faith in grace as I walk my journey beside those I love and the precious souls that are brought into my world.



1.  Allow my creativity to blossom in the light of a new horizon.  Becoming Images is all about the beauty of transformation in women's lives and in finding fresh ways to capture and celebrate the wonder of the fierce, feminine spirit.  Every decision I make for my business needs to resonate with that or it needs not happen!  In the refining of my vision statement, I have found empowerment to grow and create in a more authentic way for my clients and for myself.

2.  Blog weekly!  I struggle with consistency because I feel like every blog needs to take on a life of it's own and be more remarkable than the previous.  That striving for perfection in a blog defeats the purity of purpose.  I will post on a variety of topics, feelings, and celebrations of life with authenticity and consistency.  

3.  Social Media- the dragon that's fire can consume the lives of the creative entrepreneur!  My aim is to be fully IN the moments of my own life and have a cohesive, consistent presence across my social media platforms.  I will do this by planning my posts more efficiently and consistently- maybe less frequency but more intentionality!

4.  GROW!!  I am excited to meet new clients and build new partnerships!  I am excited to see a new facet in my portfolio with work created in the Rocky Mountains and the rawness of the southwest.  I consider this move a pruning of a healthy tree; cutting off what isn't producing to focus the growth on the healthiest fruit.


Resolutions have always challenged me because I felt trapped by my own resolve...  so if that is your struggle, be encouraged, and allow this entry to open the doors to your own vision-casting for your life, relationships or business.  I invite you to leave me a message and share your 2017 resolution and/or plan with me.  I'd love to walk beside you just as you are walking beside me.  If you visit my instagram, @becomingimages, please follow along with my journey of change with #resolved2017 #metamophosis #becoming #becomingimages


Many Blessings,



P.S. Should you miss my old blog or you want to go back and see previous blogging- here is the link: Becoming Blog Archive


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